January 2024 U18 Provincials in Longlac Ontario. Team Tucker is coached by Kim Beaudry & Team Chabot is coached by Charlotte Bazylewski.
If you missed registration night, but your young curler to be is still interested, come out to the rink – 4pm Tuesday the 15th for Bantams and Juniors. Little Rocks (8 and up) will start Friday at 5:30 on the 18th of October. Be prepared to sign forms and pay fees for the season ahead.
We are very excited about the season ahead! Spread the word and bring a friend to learn this great game of curling that we all love! Talk to our Facility Manager about signing up for a locker to stow your gear for the season. Shared lockers are available to eligible Bantam and Junior curlers, depending upon numbers.
Online registration – Online registration ran from September 8th to the 16th (6pm). If you missed the chance, in person registration is September 18th.
Mixed Doubles – our new team is taking part in the 2024 Ontario Winter Games being held in Thunder Bay. See below for the Fort Frances Times article.
Waiver Forms As always, waivers must be completed before stepping on the ice. Updated forms will be available at the Curl Fort Frances Community Centre or CFFCC for short.
Rowan’s Law: Concussion Safety
The Rowan’s Law concussion awareness rules came into effect on July 1, 2019. After that date, sports organizations must not register athletes under 26 years of age* into a sports activity unless they, as well as their parent (for athletes under 18), provide confirmation that they have reviewed one of the Concussion Awareness Resources¬†within the previous twelve months. Sports organizations must also not allow coaches, team trainers, and officials to serve as a coach, team trainer, or official for or in respect of the sports organization unless they provide confirmation that they have reviewed one of the Concussion Awareness Resources, every year. Each club must verify and keep evidence that each participant in the club’s organized events (leagues, learn to curl, bonspiels, competitions, etc) has complied and reviewed the documentation.
Rowans Law Booklet for Ages 10 and Under
Rowans Law Booklet for Ages 11 to 14
Rowans Law Booklet for Ages 15 and up
Fort Frances Curling Club Receipt of Review Concussion Awareness