Seems like we just posted updates for the club. We were excited to get back to using our locker rooms as well as a fairly normal game with 2 sweepers and sitting at the same table as your opponent’s team.
Like everyone else, we’ve had to adapt and pivot. Pivot. That latest trendy word but we do it all the time on the ice when we curl.
The great spot on yesterday’s front page of The Fort Frances Times sums it up quite nicely. We got a game in yesterday with Monday Day League and the Monday Ladies. Effective Tuesday, January 4th at midnight, we are closed for 21 days at the earliest.
If you haven’t already, take the time to get your booster. Spend time enjoying our great outdoors either walking, skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, or whatever puts a smile on your face. If you check YouTube, CBC, TSN & Sportsnet, there’ll be plenty of good curling to watch.
We look forward to seeing everyone again in 21 days (fingers crossed). Big thanks in advance to our staff, members, and volunteers who keep our club going.